Hugo Steinfink elected ACA vice president
H. Steinfink
Hugo Steinfink, Prof. of Chemical Engineering, U. of Texas, has been elected Vice-President and President Elect of the American Crystallographic Association (ACA). Hugo received a B.A. in chemistry from the City College of New York and on the job training in crystallography at Shell Oil in Houston, Texas, studying clay and feldspars. He attended his first ACA meeting in New Hampshire in 1950. He pursued a Ph.D. studying octamcthyl cyclotetrasiloxone at Brooklyn Polytechnic Inst. at a time when many of the foremost crystallographers in the US were working there, 1. Fankuchen, P.P. Ewald, D. Harker, R. Brill, and B. Post. He returned to Texas first at Shell Oil and eventually at U. Texas at Austin. Hugo is a former editor of American Mineralogist and his current research centers on high temperature superconductivity. (Excerpted from the ACA Newsletter).