ACA/USNCCr project to aid FSU crystallographers
ACA couriers with their Russian colleagues: (back row) E. Adman, W. Duax, R. Bryan, J. Flippen-Anderson, A. Wang, D. Eggleston, V. R. Melick-Adamyan, D. Langs, and E. Antipov; (front row) M. Yu. Antipin, V. Lunin, and M. Anatoly. (Photo W. L. D.)
Awards of $500 each have been transferred to individuals named as recipients of the first round of awards in the ACA/USNCCr project to aid crystallographers in the Former Soviet Union (FSU). The names were listed on p. 27 of Vol. 1, No. 3 of the IUCr Newsletter. Thus far less than $100 in transaction fees were required in the transfer of these funds.The awards were made possible by the contributions ACA members included with their dues payments for 1993 and matching funds provided by the Sloan Fndn.. The Sloan Fndn. has made a total contribution of $25,000 in matching funds. In order to make full use of the contributions from the Sloan Fndn., the ACA/USNCCr ad hoc committee to aid FSU crystallographers must raise an additional $13,000 in donations in the next six months. To qualify for matching funds, donations must come from individual crystallographers and not from corporate donors. Please consider making a donation to the ACA/USNCCr Fund in order that this challenge can be met. Contributions to the fund may be made to ACA/USNCCr Fund to Assist FSU Crystallographers and sent to ACA Headquarters, PO Box 96, Ellicott Station, Buffalo, NY 14205-0096, USA. Donations may also be charged to a Mastercard or Visa credit card.
Over ninety new applications for support have arrived at the ACA office in Buffalo since the first round of awards were made. More than a dozen crystallographers from the FSU are expected to attend the ACA meeting in Atlanta June 24 to July 1 with support provided by grants to the ACA from the International Science Foundation (Soros).
William L. Duax