Modern approaches and tools for teaching crystallography – call for papers for special issue

Graciela Díaz de DelgadoSean Parkin

Acta Crystallographica Section E: Crystallographic Communications is the journal of choice for the publication of high-quality structure determinations of compounds of a very diverse nature. Many of these studies involve the use of advanced concepts to solve difficult problems such as twinning, disorder, modulated structures etc. Reports on the determination of challenging structures can provide a good opportunity to show young crystallographers and newcomers to crystallography how to approach these difficult problems. The global health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact in our field as many laboratories have had to close for long periods of time. However, scientists have continued working remotely, teaching online courses and tutoring students using different electronic meeting platforms.

Following the long teaching tradition of the IUCr, we would like to encourage you to submit manuscripts to Acta Cryst. E that can be used as educational materials so that the younger generation may benefit from the knowledge and expertise of experienced crystallographers.

In this new environment, we would particularly like to receive articles based on experiences of teaching crystallography online and of how best to use some of the facilities available to access diffraction equipment remotely. Articles giving practical advice on using crystallographic software to address different aspects of structure determination, refinement, graphics, analysis etc. would also be welcome. Besides the main text of the manuscript, we encourage the submission of supporting information containing comprehensive practical examples, instructions, software input files, reflection data and results. Contributions on new tools for teaching the fundamentals of crystallography would also be of interest. Examples of articles with a strong teaching component that have been published recently in our journal are available here.

[Fig. 1]

All manuscripts for this special issue should be submitted by 30 June 2022. They will be subject to the normal peer-review process.

We look forward to your submissions!


Acta Cryst. E is an open-access journal. For more information, please go here.

24 March 2022

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