International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering proceedings published
The XIth International Conference on Small-Angle Scattering (SAS99) explored the role of small-angle scattering in a broad range of scientific disciplines concerned with the correlation of structure, interaction, and properties of complex materials. Contributions to the scientific program demonstrated that scattering when complemented with other techniques or when analyzed with physically meaningful computational models provides new insights into structure and dynamics of solids, soft matter, and solutions.
Four parallel sessions were required to accommodate the programs in alloys and ceramics, biology, colloids, complex fluids, polymers, polymer processing, surface and interface, theory and technique, and ultra small-angle scattering. The wellattended sessions were a compliment to the insightful work of the Scientific Program Committee in shaping a representative and diverse program from the submitted abstracts. Strong multidisciplinary research programs at universities as well as new opportunities created by the increasing number and diversity of experimental facilities at synchrotrons and next-generation neutron sources attract investigators in all disciplines. The members of the International Advisory Board encouraged the organizers to explore frontiers in low-resolution structure determination and to invite the participation of young investigators. Their innovative research, broad spectrum of interest and enthusiastic participation in discussions is a key factor that gives this unique technique-oriented conference series vitality. After thorough review, 107 papers were accepted for publication.
The proceedings of the meeting have been published in Volume 33, Part 3 Number 1 of the Journal of Applied Crystallography. The proceedings were edited by Conference Co-chairs Dieter K. Schneider and Sow-Hsin Chen and Guest Editors Malcolm S. Capel, Benjamin Hsiao, Gernot Kostorz, Jan Skov Pedersen, Peter Timmins and George D. Wignall.
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