Crystallography in... Russia

[attendees] L. Atovmyan, V. Belsky, W. L. Duax, and L. A. Aslanov at the Chernogolovka meeting on Crystal Chemistry.
The Russian Foundation of Basic Research (RFBR) supports crystallographic research in chemistry, physics, earth sciences, and biology. There are currently 27 grants supporting organic and inorganic crystal-chemistry and about 40 on the crystallography of minerals. This does not cover all researchers of crystallographic significance. In its Chemistry section alone, 258 of a total of 1149 grants include varying levels of crystallographic investigation.

RFBR supports international joint research groups together with INTAS (European Union), DFG(Germany), CNRS (France), and NSFC (People Republic China). Crystallography is represented in these grants as well.

RFBR supports the organization of scientific conferences such as the Second National Crystal-Chemical Conference in Chernogolovka in May, 2000. Airfare for Russian scientists who are invited to speak at international conferences is provided with some preferences given to young scietists.

Oleg A. Dyachenko, L.A. Aslanov