IUCr activities
Crystallographic Nexus Software CD-ROMs
Academics and students in crystallography working in laboratories in the developing world which are isolated from the Internet are invited to register for Crystallographic Nexus Software CD-ROM [1] free of charge.
The ability to produce these CD-ROMs is primarily due to the permission of software and web site custodians; with sponsorship and guidance from the International Council for Science (ICSU) (2), International Union of Crystallography (3) and CCP14 Project for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction (4).
The Crystallographic Nexus CD-ROM is a virtual Internet on CD-ROM containing Web and FTP sites housing a variety of crystallographic software packages including single crystal software; powder diffraction programs; educational resources and miscellaneous crystallographic information.
Initial CDs will be optimised for MS-DOS and MS-Windows operating systems; but will contain Mac and Linux binaries that can be copied from the CD on these operating systems. The NeXus project is organized by the IUCr Committee on Electronic Publishing, Dissemination and Storage of Information (CEP) which will be responible for selecting recipients from the requests received. A list of Developing Countries as defined by the OECD is available on the World Wide Web (5).
Requests should be addressed to: Lachlan M.D. Cranswick (CCP14 Secretary), Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14) for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction, Synchrotron Light Source, CLRC Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD UK, Tel: 44 1925 603703, Fax: 44 1925 603124, E-mail: L.Cranswick@dl.ac.uk, www.ccp14.ac.uk
1. Xtal Nexus CD-ROM homepage at the U. of Geneva: http://crystsun1.unige.ch/stxnews/nexus/index.htm.
2. ICSU (International Council for Science): www.icsu.org
3. IUCr (International Union of Crystallography): www.iucr.org
4. EPSRC funded CCP14 Project (Collaborative Computational Project No 14 for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction): www.ccp14.ac.uk
5. OECD List of Developing Countries in Alphabetical Order: www.oecd.org/dac/htm/ldc-alfa.htm