IUCr activities
Call for nominations for the 2023 Struchkov Prize
The IUCr is pleased to invite nominations for the 2023 Struchkov Prize. Professor Yuri T. Struchkov (1926–1995) was an outstanding Russian crystallographer who made substantial contributions to the structural chemistry of organic and organometallic compounds. To commemorate Professor Struchkov's achievements, his friends and former colleagues established the Struchkov Prize in 1997. Between 1997 and 2020, the Prize was awarded annually to a young (<35 years) scientist from the Former Soviet Union (FSU) for the best research work in the field of X-ray crystallography.
IUCr support and selection
In 2020, the Struchkov Prize Association asked the IUCr to administer the Prize to ensure its longevity. From now on, the Prize will be bestowed by the IUCr every triennium at the IUCr Congress and General Assembly beginning in Melbourne in 2023. The Association has endowed a Prize Fund. Any interest earned on the Fund, along with any donations received during the triennium, will be split equally between the winners. The principal of the Fund can never be used to supplement the Prize. The IUCr will select a committee that will consider nominations and determine the winners.
Eligibility and application process
The Struchkov Prize will be awarded to up to three young scientists (under 35 years of age at the time of the submission deadline) at each Congress for outstanding achievements in small-molecule X-ray diffraction methods application in the fields of chemistry, crystal chemistry or materials science.
Applicants for the 2023 competition may be nominated or self-nominate. The following information should be submitted:
- Participant’s information:
(a) Full name
(b) Title of the submitted research work
(c) Date of birth
(d) Education: college name, year of graduation
(e) Affiliation: name of the institution
(f) Academic degree, current position
(g) Address for correspondence by mail
(h) Phone number
(i) Email address
- Summary of the work up to three pages in length (Times New Roman, 12 points, spacing 1.5). The summary should emphasise scientific impact and personal contribution of the applicant.
- A list of the applicant’s publications on the topic of the presented research.
- Full texts of all publications listed in item 3 in the form of PDF files.
- One or two supporting letters (no more than two). Each letter may not exceed two pages in length.
By submitting an application, the applicants agree to provide the submitted content to the organising committee and members of the jury. Applications should be submitted electronically to the IUCr Chief Executive Officer at ceo@iucr.org. The closing date for nominations is 30 September 2022.
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