Crystallographic Information Framework

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Protein Data Bank exchange dictionary (pdbx) version 1.0521




   The effective number of electrons in the crystal unit cell
   contributing to F(000). This may contain dispersion contributions
   and is calculated as

   F(000) = [ sum (f~r~^2^ + f~i~^2^) ]^1/2^

   f~r~ = real part of the scattering factors at theta = 0 degree
   f~i~ = imaginary part of the scattering factors at
   theta = 0 degree

          the sum is taken over each atom in the unit cell

Type: int

Mandatory item: no

_exptl_crystal_F_000 (cif_core.dic version 2.0.1)
The permitted range is [1, infinity)

Category: exptl_crystal