Crystallographic Information Framework

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Protein Data Bank exchange dictionary (pdbx) version 1.0521




   For each reflection class, the weighted residual factor for all
   reflections included in the refinement. The reflections also
   satisfy the resolution limits established by
   _refine_ls_class.d_res_high and _refine_ls_class.d_res_low.
   See also the _refine_ls_class.R_factor_ definitions.

        ( sum w [ Y(obs) - Y(calc) ]^2^  )^1/2^
   wR = ( ------------------------------ )
        (         sum w Y(obs)^2^       )

   Y(obs)  = the observed amplitude specified by
   Y(calc) = the calculated amplitude specified by
   w       = the least-squares weight

   and the sum is taken over the reflections of this class.

Type: float

Mandatory item: no

_refine_ls_class_wR_factor_all (cif_core.dic version 2.3)
The permitted range is [0.0, infinity)

Category: refine_ls_class