Crystallographic Information Framework

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Protein Data Bank exchange dictionary (pdbx) version 1.0521




   Used for PDB space group:

   Example: 'C 1 2 1'  (instead of C 2)
            'P 1 2 1'  (instead of P 2)
            'P 1 21 1' (instead of P 21) 
            'P 1 1 21' (instead of P 21 -unique C axis)
            'H 3'      (instead of R 3   -hexagonal)
            'H 3 2'    (instead of R 3 2 -hexagonal)


  Example: 'C 1 2 1'  (instead of C 2)
           'P 1 2 1'  (instead of P 2)
           'P 1 21 1' (instead of P 21) 
           'P 1 1 21' (instead of P 21 -unique C axis)
           'H 3'      (instead of R 3   -hexagonal)
           'H 3 2'    (instead of R 3 2 -hexagonal)

Type: line

Mandatory item: no

_symmetry.ndb_full_space_group_name_H-M (cif_rcsb.dic version 1.1)

Category: symmetry