Crystallographic Information Framework

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Core dictionary version 3.0.14



     A parsable string giving one of the symmetry generators of the
     space group in algebraic form.  If W is a matrix representation
     of the rotational part of the generator defined by the positions
     and signs of x, y and z, and w is a column of translations
     defined by the fractions, an equivalent position X' is
     generated from a given position X by

           X' = WX + w.

     (Note: X is used to represent the bold italic x in International
     Tables for Crystallography Volume A, Section 5.)

     When a list of symmetry generators is given, it is assumed
     that the complete list of symmetry operations of the space
     group (including the identity operation) can be generated
     through repeated multiplication of the generators, that is,
     (W3, w3) is an operation of the space group if (W2,w2) and
     (W1,w1) [where (W1,w1) is applied first] are either operations
     or generators and:

         W3 = W2 x W1
         w3 = W2 x w1 + w2.

     Ref: International Tables for Crystallography (2002). Volume A,
      Space-group symmetry, edited by Th. Hahn, 5th ed.
      Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.


x,1/2-y,1/2+z c glide reflection through the plane (x,1/4,z) chosen as one of the generators of the space group

Type: Code
