Crystallographic Information Framework

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DDLm dictionary version 4.1.0




    Code identifying the action taken if the requested definition block
    already exists within the importing dictionary in "Full" mode, or
    an attribute exists in both the importing definition block and the
    requested definition block in "Contents" mode.

Type: Code

The data value must be one of the following:

Ignore imported definitions if block identifiers match in "Full" mode. Ignore imported attributes that match attributes already in the importing definition in "Contents" mode. When importing in "Contents" mode, if the ignored attribute belongs to a Loop category, all attributes from that category must be ignored to avoid loop mismatches.

Replace existing definitions with imported definitions if block identifiers match in "Full" mode. When importing in "Contents" mode, contents of the two save frames should be merged and any duplicate attributes replaced with those from the imported save frame. In case the replaced attribute belongs to a Loop category, all attributes from that category must first be removed from the importing save frame to avoid loop mismatches.

Issue an error exception and exit.

Enumeration default: Exit
