Crystallographic Information Framework

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Magnetic structures (magCIF) version 0.9.8




     See _space_group_magn.number_OG for more information on magnetic
     space groups (MSGs). The Opechowski-Guccione (OG) symbol for an
     MSG is based on the short Hermann-Mauguin space-group symbol of
     non-magnetic space group F.   For a type-1 MSG, the OG symbol for
     the MSG is identical with the unprimed symbol of F.  For a type-2
     MSG, the OG symbol is the symbol of the non-magnetic space group
     F followed by 1'.  For a type-3 or type-4 MSG, the OG symbol is
     constructed by starting with the symbol for F and then  priming
     the symbols of any non-translational generators whose
     corresponding MSG elements are  time reversed.  When a
     non-translational generator symbol could potentially represent both
     time-reversed and non-time-reversed symmetry elements, the prime
     placement is as described  in the Magnetic Group Tables of
     Litvin. A subscript always appears on the first (lattice)
     character of the symbol of a type-4 MSG, and communicates that a
     pure time-reversal element is included in the point group of the
     MSG. The value of this subscript indicates the magnetic lattice
     of the MSG. Note that OG and BNS symbols are identical for MSGs
     of types 1-3, but differ substantially  for MSGs of type 4.

     Analogous tags: symCIF:_space_group.name_H-M_ref

     Ref: 'Magnetic Group Tables' by D.B. Litvin at ISO-MAG tables of H.T.
     Stokes and B.J. Campbell at


'P 1'
"P 1 1'"
'P_S 1'
'P -1'
"P -1 1'"
"P -1'"
'P_2s -1'
"I a' -3' d'"

Type: Text
