Crystallographic Information Framework

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Topology dictionary (topoCIF) version 0.9.6




    The overall topology symbol according to the TOPOS nomenclature. TOPOS
    symbols NDn are interpreted as follows: N is a sequence of degrees
    (coordination numbers) of all independent nodes; D is one of the letters
    C (chain), L (layer) or T (three-periodic) designating the dimensionality
    of the net; and n enumerates non-isomorphic nets with a given ND sequence.
    For finite (molecular) graphs the symbols NMK-n are used, where k is the
    number of vertices (atoms) in the graph.

    Reference: Aman, F., Asiri, A. M., Siddiqui, W. A., Arshad, M. N.,
    Ashraf, A., Zakharov, N. S. & Blatov, V. A. (2014). Cryst. Eng. Comm,
    16, 1963-1970, DOI:10.1039/C3CE42218F.


3,3,4T3 The third non-isomorphic three-periodic trinodal net with two 3-coordinated and one 4-coordinated independent nodes.

Type: Text
