Crystallographic Information Framework

[CIF logo]


Core dictionary version 3.0.14

Category GEOM


Parent category:


     The CATEGORY of data items used to specify the geometry
     of the structural model as derived from the atomic sites.
     The geometry is expressed in terms of the interatomic
     angles (GEOM_ANGLE data), covalent bond distances
     (GEOM_BOND data), contact distances (GEOM_CONTACT data),
     hydrogen bonds (GEOM_HBOND data) and torsion geometry
     (GEOM_TORSION data).
     Geometry data are usually redundant, in that they can be
     calculated from other more fundamental quantities in the data
     block. However, they serve the dual purposes of providing a
     check on the correctness of both sets of data and of enabling
     the most important geometric data to be identified for
     publication by setting the appropriate publication flag.

Category is of type Set