Crystallographic Information Framework

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Topology dictionary (topoCIF) version 0.9.6




    The lattice translation vector that must be added to the
    coordinates after application of the symmetry operation specified by
    _topol_atom.symop_id to generate the atom belonging to
    a link or a node.  For example, if the symmetry operation
    referred to by _topol_atom.symop_id is
    (x-1/2,y+1/2,z), _topol_atom.translation is [0,-1,0]
    and the original position is (0.2,0.7,1.0) in fractional coordinates,
    then the resultant position is (-0.3,0.2,1.0). Alternatively,
    _topol_atom.translation_y, and
    _topol_atom.translation_z data items may be used to
    describe separate components of the vector for CIF1 compatibility.
    If this item is omitted or
    assigned to '.' it is assumed to be equal to [0,0,0].

Type: Integer

Values appear in Matrix context.

Dimension: [3]

Units: none

Enumeration default: [0
