Discussion list of the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing
compcomm is the distribution list of the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing. It is the means used to carry out general discussions and information diffusion within the Commission.The archive of compcomm is located at the URL:
compcomm is unmoderated, private and owned by Lachlan Cranswick Subscribers to the list are limited to the members and consultants of the Commission and those IUCr officials (viz. President, General Secretary and Treasurer, and Executive Secretary) who request membership of the list.
Threads are arranged in reverse order (most recent at the top), but the messages within each thread are arranged by date.
- Fwd: The passing of Hugo Rietveld (Harry Powell)
- Roster, Commission on Crystallographic Computing (Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve)
- new CCC term (Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve)
- Re: Request for IUCr Sponsorship and Financial Support (Benedetta Carrozzini)
- nominations for membership of IUCr Commissions (Harry Powell)
- ECA SIG 9 (CCSIG) Annual meeting (Harry Powell)
- Fwd: Crystallographic data for Cranswickite (harry powell)
- Acting Chairman of the Computing Commission (harry powell)
- Lachlan Cranswick (harry powell)
- R: Google Alert - lachlan cranswick deep river (Benedetta Carrozzini)
- Fwd: Google Alert - lachlan cranswick deep river (harry powell)
- 2009 Annual Report (Harry)
- Fwd: Lachlan Cranswick is missing (Spek, A.L.)
- Re: CompComm: Madrid 2011 suggested computing Keynote speaker? (Lachlan Cranswick)
- CompComm: Madrid 2011 suggested computing Plenary speaker? (Lachlan Cranswick)
- CompComm: Madrid 2009 computing symposia - Re: Fwd: REMINDER -Suggestions for Microsymposia topics, plenary lecture topics, speakersand session Chairs (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Fwd: REMINDER - Suggestions for Microsymposia topics,plenary lecture topics, speakers and session Chairs (harry powell)
- IUCr CompComm: Source Code museum on the Computing Commission webpage (Lachlan Cranswick)
- CompComm : Computing Commission update (Cranswick, Lachlan - NRC)
- CompComm - Mieries 2011 webpage, newsletters and other matters. (Cranswick, Lachlan - NRC)
- Computing School 2008 Kyoto (a.l.spek)
- [SPAM] ASSP [Bayesian][testmode] hi (duah joshua)
- CompComm: Computing Commission newsletter is now on-line. (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Have send breakeven spreadsheets to Atsushi and Harry Re:Computing School Prior to the Osaka 2008 meeting (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Computing School Prior to the Osaka 2008 meeting (a.l.spek)
- Linking IUCr Osaka 2008 CompComm sessions with other commissions?? (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Harry not available for Osaka meeting in May (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Re: Current summary of IUCr CompComm sessions and chairs forIUCrXXI Osaka (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Current summary of IUCr CompComm sessions and chairs for IUCrXXI Osaka (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Plenary speaker for IUCr XXI on Computing (Lachlan Cranswick)
- IUCr Computing topics and plenary speaker for IUCr XXI? (Lachlan Cranswick)
- CompComm: November 2006 issue of the IUCr Computing Commissionnewsletter on-line (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Discussion list of the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing (Alessandro F. Gualtieri)
- CompComm : possible theme for next Computing School (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Re: IUCr congress - CompComm nominations and suggested symposia - (Lachlan Cranswick)
- IUCr congress - CompComm nominations and suggested symposia -CompCOmm nominations for IUCr XXI (Lachlan Cranswick)
- test message (a.l.spek)
- Via Alex: Computing School in Japan, 2008 (fwd) (L. Cranswick)
- Via Harry Powell: Possible Computing School in Japan, 2008 (L. Cranswick)
- RESEND: Re: Members of the IUCr Computing Commission (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Members of the IUCr Computing Commission (a.l.spek)
- COMPCOMM: IUCr Computing Commission Newsletter (L. Cranswick)
- Current and Future Computing Commission Issues (a.l.spek)
- COMPCOMM: latest CompComm newsletter (L. Cranswick)
- CCOM: New IUCr CompComm Logo (L. Cranswick)
- Florence-2005 (a.l.spek)
- Latest Compcomm newsletter (L. Cranswick)
- Siena2005 -Webpage (a.l.spek)
- [Fwd: Re: Siena-2005 Computing School] (David Watkin)
- Re: Siena-2005 Computing School (David Brown)
- Siena Computing School, Tentative Program (a.l.spek)
- Re: Live demo in Durban (David Watkin)
- COMPCOMM: 2nd newsletter is now out (L. Cranswick)
- CCOM: Meeting reports for Newsletter? (L. Cranswick)
- Sponsors + Speakers (Bev Vincent)
- minutes meeting in Siena Computing school 2005 (Alessandro F. Gualtieri)
- computing schools at IUCr 2005 (Simon Parsons)
- Re: System S (David Watkin)
- Proposals for Sessions from the computing commission (a.l.spek)
- Proposals for Florence-2005 (a.l.spek)
- Re: (from Davide) COMPCOMM: Summary of the Commissions (Lachlan Cranswick)
- School rumination (Bev Vincent)
- COMPCOMM: 2005 teaching school (Lachlan Cranswick)
- COMPCOMM: Summary of the Commissions requests for the (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Message from Simon Parsons (a.l.spek)
- satellite meeting IUCr Conf. 2005 (Alessandro F. Gualtieri)
- satellite meeting IUCr 2005 (Alessandro F. Gualtieri)
- Planning of a computing school Sienna (Florence-2005) (a.l.spek)
- EPC:Compcomm:IUCr-teaching: Change of job (Lachlan Cranswick)
- To keep you up-to-date (a.l.spek)
- Florence Conference (Alessandro F. Gualtieri)
- IUCR-COMPCOMM: Jan 2002 edition of the IUCr Computing (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Florence program committee (I. David Brown)
- wrong mail address (a.l.spek)
- ECM-Durban (a.l.spek)
- Computing school Florence 2005 (a.l.spek)
- COMPCOMM: Re: thoughts on computing schools at IUCr 2005 (Lachlan Cranswick)
- thoughts on computing schools at IUCr 2005 (Harry Powell)
- COMPCOMM: Background on Software Patents (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Compcomm: Draft "IUCr Computing Commission's opinion on (Lachlan Cranswick)
- COMPCOMM: message made it on the list. (Lachlan Cranswick)
- No Subject (Simon Parsons)
- COMPCOMM: Issues discussed in Geneva (Lachlan Cranswick)
- Welcome to COMPCOMM-L (a.l.spek)