Crystallographic Information Framework

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Protein Data Bank exchange dictionary (pdbx) version 1.0521




A complete description of each NMR sample. Include the concentration 
and concentration units for each component (include buffers, etc.). For each
component describe the isotopic composition, including the % labeling level,
if known. 

For example:
1. Uniform (random) labeling with 15N: U-15N
2. Uniform (random) labeling with 13C, 15N at known labeling
   levels: U-95% 13C;U-98% 15N
3. Residue selective labeling: U-95% 15N-Thymine
4. Site specific labeling: 95% 13C-Ala18,
5. Natural abundance labeling in an otherwise uniformly labeled
   biomolecule is designated by NA: U-13C; NA-K,H


2mM Ribonuclease  U-15N,13C; 50mM phosphate buffer NA; 90% H2O, 10% D2O 

Type: text

Mandatory item: no

_rcsb_nmr_sample_details.contents (cif_rcsb.dic version 1.1)

Category: pdbx_nmr_sample_details