Crystallographic Information Framework

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Magnetic structures (magCIF) version 0.9.8



Alias: _atom_site_moment_Fourier_param_cos_symmform


     A symbolic expression that indicates the symmetry-restricted form of
     this  modulation component for the affected Wyckoff site.  The
     expression can include a zero, a symbol, or a symbol
     multiplied ('*') by a numerical prefactor. An allowed symbol is a
     string that contains the following parts.  (1) The 1st character
     is "m" for magnetic. (2) The 2nd character is one of "x", "y", or
     "z", to indicate the magnetic component to be modulated. (3) The
     3rd character is one of "m" for modulus, "p" for phase, "c" for
     cosine, or "s" for sine. (4) The 4th character is an integer that
     indicates the modulation vector. To use the same symbol with modulation 
     components belonging to symmetry related axes and/or wave vectors, 
     is to point out symmetry relationships amongst them. Obviously, 
     modulation components belonging to symmetry-distinct atoms, 
     axes, or wave vectors cannot be related by symmetry.
     Analogous tags: none, though analogous tags are needed for
     displace, occ, U, and aniso waves.

Type: Text

Category: atom_site_moment_Fourier_param