Macromolecular dictionary (mmCIF) version 2.0.09
The [2][3] element of the standard anisotropic atomic displacement matrix U, which appears in the structure-factor term as: T = exp{-2 pi^2^ sum~i~[sum~j~(U^ij^ h~i~ h~j~ a*~i~ a*~j~)]} h = the Miller indices a* = the reciprocal space cell lengths These matrix elements may appear with atomic coordinates in the ATOM_SITE category, or they may appear in the separate ATOM_SITE_ANISOTROP category, but they may not appear in both places. Similarly, anisotropic displacements may appear as either B's or U's, but not as both. The unique elements of the real symmetric matrix are entered by row.
Type: float
Type conditions: esd
Mandatory item: no
Alias:_atom_site_aniso_U_23 (cif_core.dic version 2.0.1)
Related items: _atom_site_anisotrop.U[2][3]_esd (associated_esd)
_atom_site.aniso_B[2][3] (conversion_constant)
_atom_site_anisotrop.B[2][3] (conversion_constant)
_atom_site.aniso_B[2][3] (alternate_exclusive)
_atom_site.aniso_U[2][3] (alternate_exclusive)
_atom_site_anisotrop.B[2][3] (alternate_exclusive)
Category: atom_site_anisotrop