DDLm dictionary version 4.1.0
Syntax of the value elements within the container type. Where the definition is of a 'List' or 'Array' type, this attribute describes the contents of each element. Where the definition is of a 'Table' container this attribute describes the construction of the value elements within those (Table) values. The CIF2 character set referenced below consists of the following Unicode code points: [U+0009], [U+000A], [U+000D], [U+0020-U+007E], [U+00A0-U+D7FF], [U+E000-U+FDCF], [U+FDF0-U+FFFD], [U+10000-U+1FFFD], [U+20000-U+2FFFD], [U+30000-U+3FFFD], [U+40000-U+4FFFD], [U+50000-U+5FFFD], [U+60000-U+6FFFD], [U+70000-U+7FFFD], [U+80000-U+8FFFD], [U+90000-U+9FFFD], [U+A0000-U+AFFFD], [U+B0000-U+BFFFD], [U+C0000-U+CFFFD], [U+D0000-U+DFFFD], [U+E0000-U+EFFFD], [U+F0000-U+FFFFD], [U+100000-U+10FFFD] Two "case insensitive" strings are considered identical when they match under the Unicode canonical caseless matching algorithm. In all cases, "whitespace" refers to ASCII whitespace only, that is [U+0009],[U+000A],[U+000D] and [U+0020]. Note that descriptions of text syntax are relevant only to those formats that encode data values as text.Example:
Integer | Content is a single or multiple integer(s). |
Type: Code
The data value must be one of the following:
Text | Case-sensitive sequence of CIF2 characters. |
Word | Case-sensitive sequence of CIF2 characters containing no ASCII whitespace. |
Code | Case-insensitive sequence of CIF2 characters containing no ASCII whitespace. |
Name | Case-insensitive sequence of ASCII alphanumeric characters or underscore. |
Tag | Case-insensitive CIF2 character sequence with leading underscore and no ASCII whitespace. |
Uri | Uniform Resource Identifier reference as defined in RFC 3986 Section 4.1. |
Date | ISO standard date format <yyyy>-<mm>-<dd>. Use DateTime for all new dictionaries. |
DateTime | A timestamp. Text formats must use date-time or full-date productions of RFC 3339 ABNF. |
Version | Version number string that adheres to the formal grammar provided in the Semantic Versioning specification version 2.0.0. Version strings must take the general form of <major>.<minor>.<patch> and may also contain an optional postfix with additional information such as the pre-release identifier. Reference: https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html |
Dimension | Size of an Array/Matrix/List expressed as a text string. The text string itself consists of zero or more non-negative integers separated by commas placed within bounding square brackets. Empty square brackets represent a list of unknown size. |
Range | Inclusive range of numerical values expressed using the min:max notation in which the smallest value 'min' and the largest value 'max' are separated by a colon character. If 'max' is omitted, then the range includes all values that are greater than or equal to 'min'. If 'min' is omitted, then the range includes all values that are less than or equal to 'max'. |
Integer | A number from the set of all integers. |
Real | Floating-point real number. |
Imag | Floating-point imaginary number. |
Complex | A complex number. |
Symop | A string composed of an integer optionally followed by an underscore or space and three or more digits. |
Implied | The contents are described by the _type.contents attribute in the definition in which the defined attribute appears. |
ByReference | The contents have the same form as those of the attribute referenced by _type.contents_referenced_id. |
Enumeration default: Text