Commission on Crystallographic Computing

Submissions for the CompComm logo competition

(Submissions were due by 2nd July 2004)

Winners of the CompComm logo competition

Paul and Kathy Sehnke

Synopsis: "This logo represents some important molecular structural components of which the computing commission works with and works towards. The X-ray film, diffraction pattern, computer, beta strand and helix are surrounded by a line which symbolizes the box that contained the Beevers-Lipson Strips. These elements within the logo were and are necessary for the end result of solving a molecular structure." - Paul and Kathy Sehnke

CompComm Newsletter Logo

[CompComm Newsletter Logo]

CompComm Webpage Logo

[Computing Commission logo]

CompComm Siena 2005 Logo

[CompComm Siena 2005 Logo]

Original files

Zipped file containing Paul and Kathy Sehnke CompComm logos as the original Adobe Illustrator files

Juergen Kopf

Synopsis: "Some chemistry, some crystallography on my main tool" - Juergen Kopf

CompComm Logos

[Kopf logo 1]  Juergen Kopf IUCr Computing Commission logo

Zipped file containing Juergen Kopf CompComm logos as the original PDF, EPS and Star Office files

Nikos Kourkoumelis

CompComm Newsletter Logo

[Kourkoumelis logo 1]

CompComm Webpage Logo

[Kourkoumelis logo 2]

CompComm Siena 2005 Logo

[Kourkoumelis logo 3]

Original files

Zipped file of the Zipped file containing Nikos Kourkoumelis CompComm logos as the original PaintShop Pro PSD format

Michael Nippus

Synopsis: "An Eulerian Cradle under computer control. The PC monitor showing the IUCr-scattering center. The CompComm is in the Phi-Circle. Keyboard ready for Hackers. The cradle's colour is green, since (nearly) all crystallographers are familiar with it." - Michael Nippus

CompComm Logos

[Nippus logo 1]  [Nippus logo 2]

Zipped file containing Michael Nippus CompComm logos as JPGs and CDR file

Armel Le Bail

Synopsis: "A computer, a programming language (FORTRAN is still there), and Crystallography can progress, otherwise not." - Armel Le Bail

CompComm Newsletter Logo

[Le Bail logo ]

CompComm Webpage Logo

[Le Bail logo 2]

CompComm Siena 2005 Logo

[Le Bail logo 3]

These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 15 Oct 2021