What's new
25th September 2017
- New Commission approved by IUCr General Assembly in Hyderbad on August 28th 2017
- Preliminary announcement of 2020 Nové Hrady Crystallographic Computing School from 17th - 22nd August 2020 at the château in Nové Hrady in the Czech Republic
1st March 2011
- Announcement of 2011 Mieres Crystallographic Computing School - 16th to 21st August 2011, Ovida Centro Intergeneracional, Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
8th January 2010
- Thanks for permission from Armel Le Bail, the Crystallography source code museum has been added to the Computing Commission website.
24th November 2009
- Joint Compcomm Newsletter No. 10 / Teaching Commission Newsletter No. 3, November 2009, with the theme of 'Age Concern'.
19th May 2009
- As part of the Crystallographic Computing Schools page, link to the Course on Software Development for Crystallography - 15th - 19th June 2009, Institut Laue - Langevin (ILL), Grenoble, France.
4th February 2009
- Update list of Commission Members for 2008 to 2011 to include new consultant Dr Clare Macrae.
22 September 2008
- New look webpage.
13th August 2008
- Add information for Osaka 2008 Crystallographic Software Fayre to include the booking for the MoProSuite software.
- As part of the 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008, updated Travel page with a bilingual English-Japanese travel guide to get to the Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan.
27th July 2008
- As part of the 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008, updated Sponsors page with the addition of "Hokkaido Wako".
2nd July 2008
- Add information for Osaka 2008 Crystallographic Software Fayre to include the booking for the SARAh software.
27th June 2008
- Add information for Osaka 2008 Crystallographic Software Fayre to include the booking for the TotalCryst suite
9th June 2008
- As part of the Newsletters page : add a new version of the Seventh Edition of the CompComm newsletter; which includes an updated article by Riccardo Spagna
8th June 2008
- As part of the 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008, updated abstracts from speakers.
2nd June 2008
- As part of the Crystallographic Computing Schools, add Photographs from the 1983 IUCr Crystallographic Computing School held at the Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan, 18-26 August 1983.
22nd May 2008
- As part of the 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008, add starting abstracts from speakers.
21st May 2008
- Add information for Osaka 2008 Crystallographic Software Fayre to include the booking for the JANA 2006 crystallographic package
18th May 2008
- Add information for Osaka 2008 Crystallographic Software Fayre to include the booking for the Bilbao Crystallographic Server and AMPLIMODES: an interactive online tool for analysing structures in terms of symmetry modes.
26th April 2008
- Add information for Osaka 2008 Crystallographic Software Fayre
31st March 2008
- Update information for Osaka 2008 Crystallographic Software Fayre
11th March 2008
- As part of the Crystallographic Computing Schools page, update the webpage for the 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008 Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan with more sponsorship information : SGI sponsorship.
7th March 2008
- As part of the Crystallographic Computing Schools page, update the webpage for the 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008 Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan with program information.
28th February 2008
- As part of the Crystallographic Computing Schools page, update the webpage for the 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008 Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan with registration cost information.
- Add Photos from the 2005 Sienna Crystallographic Computing School taken by Harry Powell
6th February 2008
- As part of the Crystallographic Computing Schools page, add the webpage for the 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008 Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan.
22nd December 2007
- As part of the Crystallographic Computing Schools page, add the preliminary announcement for 2008 Kyoto Crystallographic Computing School 18th to 23rd, August, 2008 Kansai Seminar House, Kyoto, Japan.
31st October 2007
- As part of the Newsletters page, update the 8th edition of the CompComm newsletter with fast-preview enabled PDF files. Do the same with the 7th edition of the newsletter
30th October 2007
- As part of the Newsletters page add the 8th edition of the CompComm newsletter with the theme of 'Crystallographic Computing at Oak Ridge National Laboratory: 1954 to 1968' by William Busing; and other articles. This Issue's Editor - Lachlan Cranswick
29th October 2007
- Add International Union of Crystallography World List of Crystallographic Computer Programs Third Edition (1973) - Editor: Editor: Gerard C. Bassi, C.N.R.S. Laboratoire de rayons X, Cedex No. 166, 38-Grenoble-Gare, France.
- Add International Union of Crystallography World List of Crystallographic Computer Programs First Edition (1962) - Editor: Prof. D. P. Shoemaker, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
6th August 2007
- Add International Union of Crystallography World List of Crystallographic Computer Programs Second Edition (1965) - Editor: Prof. D. P. Shoemaker, Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.
3rd March 2007
- As part of the Newsletters page : add a minor corrected version of the Seventh Edition of the CompComm newsletter; to the article by Angelo Gavezzotti (sections 5.3 and 5.4)
25th November 2006
- As part of the Newsletters page and a minor updated version of the Seventh Edition of the CompComm newsletter with the theme of "Understanding Crystal Structures. This Issue's Editors - Simon Parsons and Lachlan Cranswick
24th November 2006
- Update Newsletters page and add the Seventh Edition of the CompComm newsletter with the theme of "Understanding Crystal Structures. This Issue's Editors - Simon Parsons and Lachlan Cranswick
9th January 2006
- As part of the Newsletters area, update the sixth edition of the CompComm newsletter to make the Adobe Acrobat file of the newsletter compatible with Adobe Acrobat reader 5.x and above. The previous version was optimised for Acrobat 7.x due to some strage defaults having taken over. Thanks to Richard Ball for pointing out this problem.
27th October 2005
- Update Newsletters page and add the sixth edition of the CompComm newsletter
29th September 2005
- Update version of the Speakers' Notes and Tutorial Notes of IUCr CompComm 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005 with updated tutorial files by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve.
28th September 2005
- Update version of the Speakers' Notes and Tutorial Notes of IUCr CompComm 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005 with updated talk notes "Modern approaches to programming" by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve.
Add the Siena School tutorials by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve and Tom Terwilliger:
- Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve Python solution to George Sheldrick's Reciprocal Space Tutorial.
- CCTBX Unit Cell Refinement Tutorial by Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
- CCTBX Direct Methods Tutorial by Ralf W. Grosse-Kunstleve
- Tutorial on scoring methods for evaluation of electron density maps by Tom Terwilliger
25th September 2005
- Update version of the Speakers' Notes and Tutorial Notes of IUCr CompComm 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005 with new talk notes "CCP14 workshop Notes: On Minimization Targets and Algorithms" - Dale E. Tronrud
15th September 2005
- Add new list of Commission Members for 2005 to 2008.
7th September 2005
- Update version of the Speakers' Notes and Tutorial Notes of IUCr CompComm 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005 with updated David Watkin notes; and addition solutions to the George Sheldrick Reciprocal Space Tutorial : by Bradley Smith (Java) and Stephan Ruehl (Fortran).
6th September 2005
- Update version of the Speakers' Notes and Tutorial Notes of IUCr CompComm 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005 with newer Brian Toby talks, and add Brian Toby example tcl/tk files for in the tutorials section.
4th September 2005
- Initial version of the Speakers' Notes and Tutorial Notes of IUCr CompComm 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005 have been put on the web.
29th January 2005
- Update registration page for IUCr CompComm 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005; about what to do if you don't get a timely reply to your preliminary registration.
25th January 2005
- Update Newsletters page and add the fifth edition of the CompComm newsletter
5th August 2004
- Update Newsletters page and add the fourth edition of the CompComm newsletter
3rd July 2004
- For the CompComm Logo Competition (Submissions were due by 2nd July 2004):
- The winners were Paul and Kathy Sehnke. Thankyou to all people who submitted their ideas.
All received CompComm Logo Submission are still viewable.
- The winners were Paul and Kathy Sehnke. Thankyou to all people who submitted their ideas.
1st July 2004
- For the CompComm Logo Competition (Submissions due by 2nd July 2004):
- Add a CompComm Logo Submission from Paul and Kathy Sehnke
23rd June 2004
- For the CompComm Logo Competition (Submissions due by 2nd July 2004):
- Add a CompComm Logo Submission from Juergen Kopf
17th May 2004
- For the CompComm Logo Competition (Submissions due by 2nd July 2004):
- Add a CompComm Logo Submission from Nikos Kourkoumelis
20th April 2004
- For the CompComm Logo Competition (Submissions due by 2nd July 2004):
- Add a CompComm Logo Submission from Michael Nippus
11th February 2004
- For the CompComm Logo Competition (Submissions due by 2nd July 2004):
- Add a CompComm Logo Submission from Armel Le Bail.
3rd February 2004
- Update Newsletters page and the third edition of the CompComm newsletter
- The source code in Scott Belmonte's article on "Reading Binary Data" was corrupted due to the underscores being replaced by spaces. It seems that the current Adobe Acrobat has a bug(?). When it creates a PDF file from an MS Word file, it does not like the "_" character with Courier font. Changing the source code in the article to Courier New (True Type Font) seems to fix the problem.
1st February 2004
- Update Newsletters page and add the third edition of the CompComm newsletter
- Within the IUCr CompComm 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005, add links to the preliminary announcement poster.
- Add page announcing the CompComm Logo Competition (Submissions due by 2nd July 2004)
28th January 2004
- Add starting webpages for the 2005 Siena Crystallographic Computing School - 18th to 23rd August, 2005
7th July 2003
- Update Newsletters page and add the second edition of the CompComm newsletter
28th January 2003
- Update Newsletters page and the first edition of the CompComm newsletter with typographical corrections, figure caption corrections. The most obvious typo being the mis-spelling of the IUCr CompComm Logo.
25th January 2003
- Add Newsletters page and also add the first edition of the CompComm newsletter
27th October 2002
- Update Commission Members page with the new 2002 to 2005 Commission Members
22nd February 2002
- As part of Crystallographic Computing Reports
- Add page on Computing Commission Report 2001
- Add page on Computing Commission Report 2000
16th January 2002
- Add page on Open Meetings with the starting announcement being that of the Computing Commission Open Meeting at the IUCr Geneva 2002 Congress : Monday, 12 August 2002 : 12.30-14.30
18th January 2000
- Add links to compcomm-l - Discussion list of the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Computing
29 November 1999
- Thanks to permission from Patrick McArdle, add rd11 benchmark dataset in shelx format that can be downloaded via the Crystallographic Benchmarks webpage.
- Update Software page to include link to Crystallography Source Code Museum.
- Add page on ECM (European Crystallographic Association) Computing SIG Proposal
28 November 1999
- New look webpage.
These pages are maintained by the Commission Last updated: 15 Oct 2021