XTOP 2018: 14th Biennial Conference on High-Resolution X-Ray Diffraction and Imaging


Originally, the main topics of the XTOP conference series were X-ray topography, double- and triple-crystal diffractometry, reflectometry and standing waves techniques, later extended by small-angle scattering and a broad portfolio of imaging techniques. Today, XTOP brings together scientists from the fields of X-ray diffractometry, reflectometry, standing waves, coherent and conventional X-ray diffraction and imaging and topography. XTOP concerns methods and instrumentation with both laboratory and synchrotron sources.

The XTOP 2018 conference, held in Bari, Italy, from 3 to 7 September 2018, was attended by 157 researchers and students from 23 countries. The conference started with a one-day companion school presenting tutorials reviewing the current state of the art of X-ray diffraction and imaging using both laboratory sources and synchrotron radiation: (1) X-ray diffraction in nanoscience (Ullrich Pietsch), (2) Full field imaging methods (Tilo Baumbach), (3) Scanning imaging methods (Oliver Bunk), (4) Recent synchrotron radiation sources (Gerardina Carbone), (5) X-ray surface science methods (Gilles Renaud) and (6) X-ray scattering from imperfect crystals (Vladimir Kaganer).

The scientific program that followed was composed of 10 sessions, each being introduced by one or more keynote speakers (in total 12):

(1) Imaging I/Full field microscopy (Peter Cloetens)

(2) Imaging II/Microscopy in scanning mode (Marianne Liebi)

(3) Probing matter with coherent X-rays (Ana Diaz)

(4) New generation sources (Pantaleo Raimondi)

(5) Theory: high throughput computing, phase retrieval, statistical approaches (Stefano Marchesini)

(6) X-ray scattering from imperfect crystals (Andrei Benediktovitch)

(7) Strain analysis and mechanical properties (Henning Friis Poulsen)

(8) Industrial applications with X-ray diffraction (Maxim Myronov; Erik Mejdal Lauridsen; Raj Suryanarayanan)

(9) In situ and operando experiments I (Marie Ingrid Richard)

(10) In situ and operando experiments II (Tao Zhou).

followed by oral presentations highlighting experimental results. In total, more than 50 talks were presented leading to interesting questions and discussions.

In addition, the poster sessions with more than 100 contributions were heavily attended. The two best poster prizes were awarded to Lacub Fam and Christina Boemer.

XTOP 2020 will probably take place in Minsk (Belarus).

22 January 2019

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