IUCr Gender Equity and Diversity Committee


The IUCr is proud to announce the formation of a Gender Equity and Diversity Committee (GEDC). The GEDC aims to address issues and establish new practices and policies to overcome inequity in the IUCr's processes. For instance, it will endeavour to ensure that the gender balance of invited speakers at IUCr Congresses reflects the community at large and that IUCr-sponsored events are welcoming and accessible to all those who wish to attend. The Committee's full terms of reference can be found here.

The Committee will consist of two members of the IUCr Executive Committee and up to 10 other members who together represent the crystallography community across career stage, scientific speciality, gender and geography. The current Committee is as follows:

Jenny Martin, Chair (IUCr Executive Committee member, Australia)

Sven Lidin (IUCr President, Sweden)

Natalie Alvarez (Uruguay)

Ruchi Anand (India)

Christine Beavers (UK)

Annalisa Guerri (member of the IUCr Calendar Committee that awards funding for crystallography conferences, Italy)

Genji Kurisu (Japan)

Helen Maynard-Casely (Australia)

Claire Murray (UK)

Bernie Santarsiero (USA)

Eddie Snell (USA)

Michele Zema (IUCr Executive Outreach Officer)

Professor Martin said she was absolutely delighted with the response to the Expression of Interest call. "Now we can really start to make things happen", she said, adding "Given the world we live in now, the time is ripe for the IUCr to lead the way, to develop best-practice inclusive actions, and to implement these across its global scientific community."

If you have any issues you wish to raise, please contact Jenny Martin.

20 February 2019

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The permanent URL for this article is https://www.iucr.org/news/newsletter/volume-27/number-1/iucr-gender-equity-and-diversity-committee