ACA/USNCCr Fund for FSU Crystallographers

Crystallographers from countries of the Former Soviet Union that attended the ACA meeting in Atlanta with support from the International Science Foundation sponsored by G. Soros include (seated) M. Mironov, V. Belsky, M. Antipin, V. Kh. Savirov, standing (front row) O. Usov, A. Vigdorchik, V. Ziokasov, N. Iljasova, M. Fonari, Y. Struchkov, O. Kataeva, T. Timsfeeva, (back row) unidentified, Y. Simonov, A. F. Mishnev, and S. Lindeman. (Photo WLD)

In the fall of 1992 the American Crystallography Association (ACA) and the US National Committee for Crystallography (USNCCr) established a fund for research support for crystallographers in countries that made up the former Soviet Union (FSU). The Sloan Foundation awarded a grant of $25,000 in matching funds to support the project.

As of August 1, 1994, a total of $23,998 has been donated to the fund primarily from the members of the ACA. On May 23, 1993, a subcommittee appointed by R. Bryan, the Chairman of the USNCCr, and headed by W. L. Duax, reviewed over 60 applications from crystallographers in 18 leading universities and research facilities in the FSU, and selected 40 grants for immediate award of $ 500 each.

Subsequent to the announcement in the IUCr Newsletter (Vol. 1, No. 3) of the names and addresses of the 40 individuals who received the first round of awards, an additional 117 applications for support were received from crystallographers in 33 universities and institutions of the Academies of Sciences in Russia, the Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Moldova, and Azerbaijan. A committee composed of J. Clardy, G. Ferguson, J. Gallucci, J. Rotonda and W. Watt has reviewed and ranked the new applications. On the basis of the combined rankings, 53 candidates have been selected for awards. The names and institutions of the awardees are listed below:

  • Litvinov, I. A., A. E. Arbuzov Inst. of Organic & Phys. Chem., Kazan, Russia
  • Bochkarev, A. V., Gurskaya, G. V., Malinina, L. V., Engelhardt Inst. of Molecular Biol., Moscow
  • Dvorkin, A. A., Inst. of Applied Physics, Kishinev, Moldova
  • Govorova, A. A., Mikhal'chuk, A. L., Verenich, A. I., Inst. of Bioorganic Chem., Minsk, Belarus
  • Chuev, I. I., Konovalikhin, S. V., Tkachev, V. V., Trofimova, R. F., Aliev, Z. G., Inst. of Chemical Physics, Chernogolovka
  • Makarova, J. P., Malinovsky, Yu. A., Inst. of Crystallography, Moscow
  • Zvezdinskaya, L. V., Inst. of Geology of Ore Deposits, Moscow
  • Demishev, G. B., Narozhnyi, V. N., Inst. of High-Pressure Physics, Troitsk, Moscow
  • Zakharov, L. N., Inst. of Organometallic Chem., Nizhny Novgorod
  • Kalinin, V. B., Inst. of Physical Chem., Moscow
  • Vasiliev, A. D., Inst. of Physics, Krasnoyarsk
  • Danilkin, S.A., Inst. of Physics & Power Engrg., Kaluga
  • Garber, M. B., Nevskaya, N. A., Inst. of Protein Research, Moscow
  • Bubnova, R. S., Butikova, J. K., Lapshin, A. E., Levin, A. A., Inst. of Silicate Chem., St. Petersburg
  • Bagautdinov, B. S., Inst. of Solid State Physics, Chernogolovka
  • Shnulin, A. N., Inst. of Theoretical Problems of Chemical Technology, Baku, Azerbaijan
  • Sotman, S. S., Joint-Stock Company "Ajax," St. Petersburg
  • Zavodnik, V. E., Karpov Inst. of Physical Chem., Moscow
  • Gladkikh, O. P., Kurnakov Inst. of Genl. & Inorganic Chem., Moscow
  • Kuzmicheva, G. M., Lomonosov Academy of Fine Chemical Technology, Moscow
  • Salamakha, P. S., Lviv State U., Lviv, Ukraine
  • Tsirelson, V. G., Mendeleev U. of Chemical Tech., Moscow
  • Masunov, A. E., Mironov, A. V., Zorkaya, O. N., Belokoneva, E. L., Leonyuk, L. J., Yakubovich, O. V., Moscow State U., Moscow
  • Ovchinnikov, Yu. E., Slovokhotov, Yu. L., Nesmeyanov Inst. of Organo-Element Compounds, Moscow
  • Mitin, A. V., P. L. Kapitza Inst. Physical Problems, Moscow
  • Kozina, O. A., Rostov State U., Rostov-on-Don
  • Blatov, V. A., Serezhkin, V. N., Samara State U., Samara
  • Gorskaya, M., Semenova, T. F., Filatov, S. K., St. Petersburg State U., St. Petersburg
  • Golubev, A. M., Technical U., Moscow
  • Khisina, N. R., V. I. Vernadski Inst. of Geochemistry and Analytical Chem., Moscow