Book review
Time-of-Flight Diffraction at Pulsed Neutron Sources
The proceedings of a symposium on time-of-flight diffraction at pulsed spallation neutron sources includes contributions from scientists at IPNS, Argonne, USA; LANSCE, Los Alamos, USA; ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Lab. (RAL), UK; and KENS, KEK High-Energy Physics Lab., Japan.
J. Jorgensen opened the symposium with a description of time-of-flight diffraction techniques and a historical review of the development of the field. B. David (RAL) described high-resolution powder diffraction at ISIS. Studies of high-Tc copper oxide superconductors were presented by F. Izumi of the National Institute for Research in Inorganic Materials, Japan, and powder diffraction at pressures above 10 GPa at ISIS were described by J. Loveday.
Single-crystal time-of-flight neutron diffraction using large area position-sensitive detectors was introduced by A. Schultz. D. Keen (RAL) reported on the collection and analysis of diffuse scattering data from single crystals using the ISIS SXD instrument. W. Jauch (Hahn-Meitner Institute, Germany) presented an analysis of the accuracy of structural parameters using X-ray, monochromatic neutron, and IPNS SCD data from the same crystal.
The design and implementation of the low-Q diffractometer (LQD) at LANSCE was described by R. Hjelm (Los Alamos). Other chapters present the results of small-angle neutron scattering studies of side chain polymers and lyotropic liquid crystals using LQD data (S. Kumar, Kent State), the use of neutron reflectivity for examining the chemical depth profile near the planar surface of materials (G. Felcher, Argonne), the application of reflectivity to the study of thin-film diblock copolymers (T. Russell, IBM - Almaden), studies of residual strain in metal- and ceramic-matrix composites at IPNS (D. Kupperman, Argonne), a review of the current status of texture determination in polycrystalline materials (H.-R. Wenk, U. of California, Berkeley), and the use of GLAD at IPNS and SANDALS at ISIS for analyzing the structures of glasses and liquids (D. Price, Argonne).
Frank Rotella