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Materials Structure Bulletin

The Czech and Slovak Crystallographic Association publishes a very substantial Bulletin titled Materials Structure in Chemistry, Biology, Physics and Technology. The August 1994 issue included 31 pages in English, including lead articles on pulsed neutron sources (B. T. M. Willis, Oxford, UK) and powder diffraction facilities at Daresbury Lab (R. J. Cernik, Wiley, UK), several book reviews by J. Fiala (a much appreciated regular contributor of material for this Newsletter), and an extensive meeting calendar. An additional 28 pages of papers, lab summaries, reports, information, obituaries, book reviews, and letters to the editor are published in Czech and Slovak with a English translation of these titles presented in the index. It can only be a matter of time before the index and eventually the entire bulletin finds its way onto the Web so that the world wide community of crystallographers can find out what's happening in material research in Czech and Slovak crystallographic labs.

Small Angle Scattering

The Small Angle Special Interest Group (SASIG) of the American Crystallographic Association organized two oral sessions with 17 contributions and a full day tutorial workshop at the 1995 ACA meeting in Montreal. The Small Angle SIG has established a Listserve on the Internet. A message to with "subscribe sa-scat" as the subject line and repeated on the first line of the message will get you signed up. Future activities may include FTP sites, Web pages, and newsgroups for promoting international research collaboration. The SA SIG has an ad hoc working group developing a proposal for a new IUCr Commission on Small Angle Scattering with widespread international support. Two sessions entirely devoted to Small Angle Scattering are planned for the XVII IUCr Congress in Seattle.

For further information. contact J. Barnes, Bldg 224, Rm A209, NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899; Tel.: 301 975-6786; FAX: 301 977-2018; e-mail:

CAD4 Diffractometer for Sale

The U. of Rochester Chemistry Dept. is interested in selling its CAD4 diffractometer. The unit has a sealed tube source (Mo) attached to a standard Diffractis 586 3kW generator. The goniometer is of kappa axis design and is equipped with a low temperature apparatus. The instrument was purchased in August 1983 and has been well maintained. The instrument is in very good working order. It comes with the LSI interface, a PC operating station and the Enraf-Nonius software for peak searching, centering, indexing and intensity data collection. Asking price is $17,000. Offers will be considered. Contact Dept. of Chemistry, U. of Rochester, Rochester, NY 14627, B. Jones at: Tel.: (716) 275-5493, e-mail: or R. Eisenberg at Tel.: (716) 275-5573, e-mail:


MSC Expansion

Expanding to meet customers' needs, Molecular Structure Corporation has recently opened a second European office in the UK. Patrick L. Bryant is the manager for both the UK and German offices. UK: Tel.: 44 818-3250900, FAX: 44 181-3252211.

Oxford Cryostream

The Charles Supper Company is now an authorized distributor of the Oxford Cryostream in North America. They are located at 15 Tech Circle, Natick, MA 01760-1026.

Playwrights Wanted

The BBC recently placed an advertisement in the New Scientist because it believes science is neglected as a subject for drama. If you can write drama, why not try sending them a sample? It will make a change from writing Grant Applications, and I am sure there is much human drama in crystallography. Send your sample scene or full length play to N. Denton, Rm D126, BBC Centre House, 56 Wood Lane, London W1Z 7RJ, UK.

From the BCA Newsletter