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Web Wise

ACA On-Line

Several new services are available as part of the ACA Internet Server. These services are supported by the ACA, the US National Committee for Crystallography (USNCCr) and the San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC). SDSC has added to its strategic goals the support for scientific societies such as the ACA and USNCCr. The new services are all reachable via the ACA World Wide Web server: URL and anonymous ftp from in the directory/pub/sdsc/societies/ACA

The services are:

  • Positions vacant - The list formerly maintained by Martha Teeter and any job postings as seen in the ACA newsletter. This list overlaps with that maintained by the WWW Virtual Library for Crystallography (URL and both should be searched for complete coverage. Searching may be by type of position or geographic location (WWW only).
  • Miscellaneous information - For example, equipment for sale, forthcoming meeting etc.
  • Search for a crystallographer's Electronic mail address (WWW only) - This searches on the list formerly distributed by M. Teeter.
Contributions to any of these services may be made by sending mail to WWW forms based contributions will be possible in the near future, refer to the ACA WWW home page for details.

In addition the following information is available concerning the USNCCr: Charter - Functions - Membership - Roster - Call for Nominations.

Phil Bourne

The ACS Web

The American Chemical Society (ACS) has three linked WWW sites open for your information:

  • The ACS Web (URL offers information on the entire range of the Society's activities and products, including publications, continuing education, public outreach, public affairs, and meetings and symposia.
  • The Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Web Server(URL provides information about CAS products and services, support and training, and upcoming developments.
  • The ACS Publications Division Homepage (URL features "What's New?" and "Hot Articles" sections; complete information on ACS journals, magazines, software, books, and electronic editions; the Advertised Product Information; and instructions for authors and editors.

American Institute of Physics Homepage

AIP has a Homepage on the WWW at the following URL address:

Information is provided on this Homepage about AIP, its publications, publishing services, on-line products and services, electronic products, and its Physics Programs Branch. This last category contains AIP's On-line Career Planning and Placement Service, a new Physics Careers Bulletin Board, and information on the Congressional Science Fellowships. The Physics Today Homepage on the WWW is located at The Homepage includes contents summaries for issues published since January 1995, the list of special-issue topics since 1981, the Calendar of meetings and general information about the magazine. Notices for inclusion in Calendar should be sent at least three months in advance to Calendar, Physics Today, American Center for Physics, One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740-3843; FAX: 301 209 0842; e-mail: