These are the speakers' notes (in PDF format) from the Bangalore Computing School. Some may be accompanied by PPTX or PPT files that contain animations which cannot be rendered correctly in static PDFs.
Eleanor Dodson - Macromolecular crystallography: from isolated programs to full package
M. R. N. Murthy - Crystallographic methods: historical perspective
Tom Terwilliger - Statistics and Bayesian statistics in crystallography
Garib Murshudov - Structure factor statistics and electron density
Kay Diederichs - Quality of diffraction data
James Parkhurst - Processing data collected with Pilatus/Eiger detectors
Vincent Favre-Nicolin - High-performance computing using python and OpenCL/modular approach to crystallographic software development
Santosh Panjikar - Design of pipelines: Reuse of existing tools
Harry Powell - GUI design: science or psychology?
Patrick Mercier - Singular-value decomposition of Rietveld least-squares matrix
Richard Cooper - Recent advances in refinement of small molecule structures
Eleanor Dodson - IISC Alumni Association Lecture
Marcus Mendenhall - Fundamental parameters approach in X-ray powder diffraction
Corrado Cuocci - Structure solution from powder data - direct methods
Corrado Cuocci - Structure solution from powder data - real space methods
Simon Billinge - Algorithms and coding of PDF approach to analyze nanophase materials
Lucáš Palatinus - Electron Diffraction data - new perspectives
Thomas White - Free electron laser data - problems and challenges
Shekhar Mande - TLS and normal modes
Simon Billinge - Neutron diffraction scattering analysis / Software development workflow
Bangalore, India - Crystallographic Computing School (15th-20th August 2017)
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